Death Notices
Death Notice System
Creating death notices demands 100% accuracy, as anyone working in the funeral industry is aware, and we have a system
that offers a simple and safe way of setting them up! As a result of our many years’ experience,
we are proud to say that our system is one of the best and most secure on the market.

Newspapers and Digital Media
The death notice is published on the funeral home’s portal when it’s published in the newspaper. If the newspaper shows death notices online, it will also be published there.
Creating Notices
Creating death notices in our system is simple, flexible and user friendly.
We’ve integrated a vast selection of texts and symbols, and will happily develop further designs.
The notice is automatically adapted to the newspaper’s specifications and its cost is calculated.
It can easily be copied and sent to other newspapers without having to adjust the content.
Ordering Notices
Adstate’s notice management system provides access to a wide selection of newspapers with an overview of publishing dates and deadlines. Funeral homes can simplify future notices in the system by creating a list of their most used newspapers.
When it’s ready, it’ll be sent to the selected newspaper. The funeral home will receive an order confirmation by text message or email.
Find out more
Request a demo with one of our advisors to find out what
the online funeral services portal can do for your funeral home.