Memorial gift

Gift recipient

For many, it is important to honor the memory of the deceased with a memorial gift. Often this is also something that the deceased himself wanted.
Some want memorial gifts to be given for the next generation’s education, while others
want to give to associations/institutions that make a difference in society.
There are many possibilities here.

Memorial gift recipients

It is very easy to handle the memory gift module. It is delivered fully set up with all the gift recipients we already have
in the system. In addition, the agency can enter its own, local gift recipients. For each death you can choose
desired gift recipients from the list.

Simple and secure

We have integrated a secure payment solution and support international credit cards

Gift certificate

Both the donor, the funeral home and next of kin receive a gift certificate after a memorial gift has been given.


The funeral home, relatives and gift recipients have access to reports, defined according to the various needs and laws.

Portable stand for keepsakes

In order to be able to give a commemorative gift also at the ceremony, we can supply a stand for tablets that can be placed at the entrance to the ceremony.